After an eventful false start during the Asian Games on Sunday, Jyothi Yarraji from India secured the silver medal in the women’s 100-meter hurdles. The race began amidst considerable tension following the false start, which allowed China’s Wu Yanni to gain an early lead. Yarraji was in the adjacent lane to Wu and followed his movement, prompting officials to consider disqualifying both athletes for the false start. This decision led to a heated argument from the Indian athlete.
Interestingly, in the 100-meter hurdles finals of the 2023 Asian Athletics Championship in Thailand, Wu Yanni faced disqualification for a false start, and Jyothi Yarraji emerged victorious, earning the gold medal. They crossed paths again at the 2023 World University Games, where Wu secured the silver medal, while Yarraji claimed the bronze. (Source: “Asian Games 2023: Nikhat Zareen Finishes Campaign In China With Bronze In Women’s 50kg Category”)
India continued its medal-winning streak as Tajinderpal Singh Toor secured the country’s second gold medal in athletics during the ongoing Asian Games on Sunday. He had been a hopeful contender in the men’s shot put final, and his sixth attempt proved to be a game-changer. With a throw of 20.36 meters, Tajinderpal topped the leaderboard, surpassing Saudi Arabia’s Mohamed Daouda, who had been leading with a throw of 20.18 meters in his fourth attempt. Sahib Singh, another national teammate, also competed for a medal but finished in 8th place with a throw of 18.62 meters.
Tajinderpal’s gold medal underlined his dominance in the shot put event over the past few years. He already held the record for the best throw in the history of the Asian Games with a throw of 20.75 meters in 2018. Notably, he now also holds the Asian record with a throw of 21.77 meters, achieved in Hangzhou on this remarkable Sunday for Indian track and field.
Prior to this, Avinash Sable, a track and field athlete, made history by securing a gold medal in the men’s 3000m steeplechase, setting a new Asian Games record with his exceptional timing. Sable, who previously medaled in the 3000m steeplechase at the Commonwealth Games, became India’s first medalist in the same event at the Asian Games. He shattered the previous record of 8:22.79, held by Iran’s Keyhani Hossein for the past five years, by clocking an impressive 8:19.50s. Sable’s remarkable performance also earned India its first gold medal in athletics at the 19th Asian Games. Throughout the race, Sable established an early lead and extended it with each passing lap. He comfortably crossed the finish line ahead of the Japanese duo of Aoki Ryoma and Sanada Seiya, who secured the silver and bronze medals, respectively.