What is the Honor Score in Free Fire Max? Honor Score : Free Fire Max is the most famous battle royale game in the world. The game recently celebrated its 5th anniversary. This battle royale game is packed with attractive features like premium items, unique graphics, maps, characters and pets.
Developers have a strict approach to everything inside the game. Garena has introduced new features inside the game called Honor Score. It is based on in-game merit system. So let us tell you the complete information about Honor Score.
What is the Honor score in Free Fire Max?

Honor Score Free Fire Max has an in-game scoring system. This is in the control of gamers. It depends on certain actions of the gamers. Like AFK, Verbal Abuse, Match, Performance and other things etc.
Gamers can check their Honor score by going to their profile. If the gamers score 100 points, then it starts showing in the automatic profile.
The developer at Garena has also added an in-game report option to Free Fire Max. If any gamers abuse in-game then they can easily report. This is given the behavior of verbal abuse inside the game.
Here are some rules that must be followed to score Honor:
- No score if your violation is less than 30%
- 20% Honor Score will be increased if your violation is between 30-40%
- If your violation is between 40-50% then 40% Honor Score will be increased
- If it is between 50-60% then 60% Honor score will increase
- If the violation score is above 70% then the 80% score may be lower
Items will also be provided when the developer scores Honor within the game. 500 gold coins, 20 universal fragments and two random crates.
If the Honor score of the players is low, then something like this can be seen
- If the score is less than 90, the result will be Clash Squad Rank and Time-Limited Rank Mode Ban.
- If the score is less than 80, the result will be Clash Squad Rank, Battle Royale Rank and Time Limited Rank Mode Ban.
- Team mode and all rank mode banned if the score is less than 60
Gamers can easily increase the Honor score inside the game in Free Fire Max. If he plays every match without abusing and keeps good behavior inside the game, then his Honor score will increase a lot.
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