What is anxiety and what are its 6 main types? Go!

What is anxiety
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Today, what I am going to give you information about, it is as common for every person living in the world as our breathing. We are talking about anxiety. First of all let us know what is this?

What is anxiety?

Intense, excessive and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations. Rapid heartbeat, rapid breathing, sweating, and tiredness may occur. Worrying continuously can make us weak in mind.

What are the 6 major types of worry/anxiety?

1. Fear / Phobia:

When the burden of worries on a person increases beyond the limit, then fear or some kind of phobia arises inside the person, after which fear starts wandering like a shadow in his life.

2. Generalized Anxiety:

The general worry remains with the man throughout his life and it also keeps the person weak. But it depends on whether the person is at the stage of anxiety.

3. Panic Disorder,

The biggest effect of worry which is seen is that the person gets unnecessarily nervous, due to which that person feels restlessness in himself. Also, due to this sudden panic, the health of the person can deteriorate completely.

4. Social Anxiety Disorder:

This situation definitely comes with a man who always thinks about the society. Where he is engaged in social anxiety all the time. Even in today’s age of social media, the graph of man’s concern is increasing day and night.

5. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and:

Too many thoughts force you to do the same thing over and over again.

OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) consists of unreasonable thoughts and fears that turn into compulsive behavior.

OCD often focuses on topics such as a fear of germs or a particular way of holding things. Symptoms usually start gradually and keep changing throughout life.

6. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder:

Experiencing or going through a terrifying event.

Such a condition can last for months or even years, triggering memories of the trauma to come back with intense emotional and physical reactions.

Symptoms may include the sensation of nightmares or nostalgia, trying to avoid situations that lead to the trauma, over-reaction when provoked, anxiety, or even a bad mood.

How to take care of yourself:

Physical activity, healthy eating, regular sleep and stress-relieving exercise can help reduce anxiety. Joining a support group can also help. It would be better to avoid caffeine, alcohol and nicotine.

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